Blog / Paul Scott

Paul Scott

Training Content Manager / Inductive Automation
Paul Scott joined Inductive Automation in 2013, with previous experience in application development and training. He has held various roles, ranging from technical support to leading Ignition training classes. In his current role, he works with various teams on documentation, development, and release coordination for Ignition.
Ignition 8.0.8: HTTP Header Changes, Auditing Updates, Perspective Alarm Journal & More Paul Scott Wed, 02/12/2020 - 10:33
The first Ignition release-train version of 2020 has arrived. Ignition 8.0.8 is here carrying a full cargo of community-requested updates and fixes, plus a new feature that should be a pleasant surprise to many of you. As usual, there are too many updates to mention in one blog post, but I’ll cover the highlights below.
Ignition 8.0.7: Expanding Remote Alarming & Auditing, Improving the Perspective Mobile App Paul Scott Fri, 12/20/2019 - 09:30
Our Software Engineering team has capped off this busy year with one more gift for our users: Ignition 8.0.7. This version delivers more than 70 features, fixes, and changes that the Ignition community has requested. Below is a summary of 8.0.7’s most high-profile features.
Ignition 8.0.6: New Perspective Feature Upgrades and More Flexible HTTP Requests Paul Scott Wed, 11/13/2019 - 10:43
In Ignition 8.0.6, we’ve added several community-requested features to Perspective, including a component that we’ve ported over from the Vision Module. In this blog post, we’ll explain those new Perspective features and look into a new way to make HTTP requests.