Demystifying The Unified Name Space with Ignition
48 min video / 1 minute readSpeakers
Arlen Nipper
President & CTO
Cirrus Link Solutions
Nathan Davenport
Director of Sales Engineering
Cirrus Link Solutions
Unified Namespaces (UNS) have the power to streamline OT data by breaking through communication barriers between devices and applications. By leveraging the Ignition platform and MQTT, UNS can open the door to transformative potential for operational and enterprise applications. But what even is a UNS? Join Cirrus Link as they leverage Ignition and MQTT to implement UNS and their transformative potential for applications, and share details about the core functionalities of UNS. By the end of the session you'll be equipped with the knowledge to harness the power of unified data and unlock new possibilities for your industrial operations.
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